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The Compton is a large, yet slim, carryall bag with a center zipper compartment.  The feminine shape of the bag is an eyecatcher and loved by everyone who sees it. She features 3 large compartments for wallets and essentials, 3 slip pockets, 1 zipper pocket and a sunglasses pocket.  These interior pockets are customizable and can be configured in any way desired. 


The bag is constructed in a unique way.  It is rated as intermediate to advanced, but don't let that scare you.  Improve your skills and learn some new ones by constructing The Compton for yourself.


Finished size is 12" W x 14 1/2" T x 3 1/2" D



Cotton, cotton canvas, faux or genuine leather can be used to construct this bag. The bag can be made in all one fabric, or you can use a contrast fabric for the Gusset and Handles.


Waterproof canvas, cotton, linen, or other similar materials of your choice can be used for the interior lining. 


Stabilizer is needed to give the bag firmness.  Decovil Light or other similar weight stabilizer should be used to stabilize the exterior of the bag on the pieces indicated but should remain outside of your seam allowances.  Decovil Heavy, Peltex or other similar weight stabilizer can be used to stabilize the base of the bag.


If using cotton or linen for the Lining, the pieces will need to be backed with woven interfacing like SF101, Wovenfuse or other similar weight interfacing.


Materials List

1 yard of material for the exterior (if you are using vinyl, faux leather, or cork, this is 2-18” rolls)

1 yard of woven interfacing if you are using cotton, cotton canvas or other similar weight fabric for the exterior.

1 ½ yard of Lining material

2 yards of woven interfacing if using cotton, linen, or other similar fabric for the Lining

4” of 36” wide Decovil Heavy stabilizer

4” of 36” wide Decovil Light stabilizer

2 yards of double fold bias binding



1 – #5 Zipper cut to 18 ½”                             

1 – #5 Zipper cut to 9”                                   

2 – magnetic snaps                                         

12 – rivets to connect handles                       

1 – ½” swivel clasp (optional key fob)          

Rivets (optional for slip pockets)

Purse feet (optional)

Edge paint as indicated (optional)


Post your completed Comptons on the Simply Classic Facebook Inspiration page!  Most important have fun!


Happy Sewing,


The Compton

SKU: Compton PDF
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